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The P2G Global Network aims to promote, empower, and develop deep connections, thereby strengthening Jewish communities in Israel and worldwide. This is accomplished through creating revitalized, ongoing, and meaningful engagement based on mutual endeavors and shared Jewish identity.


The P2G Network connects 165 Jewish communities through 38 city-to-city and region-to-region partnerships within Israel, as well as through global thematic collaborations, engaging thousands of participants each year.


Each Partnership is led by a joint steering committee composed of volunteers from both Israel and overseas communities, committed to fostering continuous, mutually beneficial bilateral engagement. This includes developing unique programs and one-on-one encounters and fostering deep personal and community connections.

The Global Partnership Network is part of the Connect Unit
Dedicated to linking Jews worldwide with each other and with Israel

The Jewish Agency serves as a bridge, bringing together the diverse identities, interests, and religious streams within the Jewish community and uniting them through Ahavat Yisrael and the importance of the Jewish State.


In a world where Jews can easily become disconnected from each other and from Israel, CONNECT UNIT aims to strengthen a sense of unity and prevent the detachment of Jews from the Jewish people and Israel. This is achieved by empowering Jews to voice their opinions and influence issues that affect the Jewish community. The Partnership2Gether Global Network (P2G) serves as the primary platform to achieve these goals.

185 Jewish communities in Israel and Globally   

40 P2G Partnerships

26 C2G Partnerships*  

* Mexico
1 Community

1 LGBTQ Organizations

* Israel

68 Municipalities

5 LGBTQ Organizations

8 Moed Partnerships

* Australia

1 Community

* South America

1 Community

2 LGBTQ Organizations

* Europe
3 Communities:

4 LGBTQ Organizations

3 Moed Partnerships

* North America
87 Communities

2 LGBTQ Organizations
10 Moed Partnerships

* South Africa

2 Communities

3 LGBTQ Organizations

2 Moed Partnerships

* Cananda

2 Communities

1 LGBTQ Organization

3 Moed Partnerships


Partnership Network In Israel


An Evolving Relationship

30 Years of partnership through thick and thin in Israel and around the world. Together, always.


Project Renewal


Partnership 2000




Thematic Partnerships




I know from my time as Jewish Agency Chairman how critical Partnership2Gether is to the wellbeing of our global Jewish peoplehood. Especially in these times, our resilience as a people hinges on authentic, meaningful and powerful points of connection between our Jewish communities in Israel and worldwide. This is just what Partnership2Gether supports and enables.

Isaac Herzog, President, The State of Israel

IN 2024




New Partnership through Communities2Gether


Local Municipalites


Women leadership Programs


Outgoing Delegations


Teens and youth leadership Programs


Incoming Delegations


Volunteer members serve on Joint Steering Committees Globally

427 Israel / 819 overseas

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